
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2018

simple past

 "SIMPLE PAST" El "simple past" se utiliza para hablar de una  acción que concluyó  en un tiempo  anterior al actual . La duración no es relevante. El tiempo en que se sitúa la acción puede ser el pasado reciente o un pasado lejano. Siempre se utiliza el "simple past" para referirse a  cuándo  ocurrió algo, de modo que va asociado a ciertas expresiones temporales que indican: frecuencia :  often, sometimes, always I sometimes  walked  home at lunchtime. I often  brought  my lunch to school. un tiempo determinado :  last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago We  saw  a good film  last week . Yesterday , I  arrived  in Geneva. She  finished  her work at seven o'clock I  went  to the theatre  last night un tiempo indeterminado :  the other day, ages ago, a long time ago  People  lived  in caves a  long time ago . She  played ...

progresiv past

progresiv past The progressive past was used to describe an action that began in the past, over a period of time and finally ended in the past. It is equivalent to the imperfect or the progressive imperfect. Before continuing, get familiar with these lessons: Verbo BE | Present participle. I   was eating   a sandwich.   The kids   were playing .   We   were watching   a movie. I was playing in the hause. I was playing guitar.